Camilla Conti Shergill was born in Casale Monferrato in 1980 and grew up in Vercelli. After graduating with honours in Science of Education with a research thesis on the slums of Bombay, she left Italy for India.
She still lives and works in Delhi with her Italian-Indian family.
Camilla is now a perinatal educator, professional breastfeeding consultant and certified yoga teacher. She has written two books on breastfeeding and weaning in English, published in India: Easy Breastfeeding and Easy First Food (Bjan Publishing) in 2010 and 2011 respectively; articles on breastfeeding and weaning for Indian magazines.
She is one of the founding members of the Association of Lactation Professionals India. She currently works as a freelancer and collaborates with an Indian Non-Governmental Organisation, Breastfeeding Support for Indian Mothers, for which she designed and implemented an extensive professional lactation training programme.
During the pandemic, she wrote for some Italian periodicals – La Sesia and La Stampa (Vercelli) and La Provincia (Biella) – reporting on the Indian situation in those days.
Camilla deeply loves the culture and spirituality of her adoptive country. She practices meditation and yoga intensively and one of her favourite hobbies is to seek out yogis and enlightened souls.
She has been passionate about reading and writing since attending classical high school. ‘L’irreducibilità del cerchio’ is her first novel.