A fruitful summer for AC²: new books by Liberale, Scarparo, Santarossa

It is indeed a fruitful summer for our Agency.

The following books have been published, or are pending publication soon:

poems byLaura Liberale are included in the anthology “Nuovi poeti italiani 6“, edited by Giovanna Rosadini, for the series “Collezione di poesia” by Einaudi.

Nuovi poeti italiani 6

and her second novel Madreferro is out for Perdisa Pop.

Volevamo essere giganti, the new novel by Angela Scarparo , is just out for Gaffi Editore.


On 5th September Massimiliano Santarossa‘s fifth novel, Viaggio nella notte,  is due to be released


In the meantime, Carlo Callegari is at the top of the charts for Noir and Mystery Books with his ibook, and Davide Golin keeps beingthe readers favourite with his first novel Pablito Mon Amour.